How do we calculate Prakle rating and what does it mean?
Many sites and legal directories have a huge number of reviews, but according to our observations, only a small part of them are objective. In addition, potential clients cannot find a suitable law firm for themselves only because the rating is not true, and the client remains dissatisfied.
Prakle rating includes reliable and verified information about the activities of a particular company or lawyer. When compiling the rating, we сonsider the information filled in the company profile, client reviews, and all public information about the company or lawyer, as well as information from official sources. The rating is compiled only if the company is registered on Prakle. For additional information, a firm representative or lawyer has an opportunity to contact Prakle support team.
All data is visible for both the potential client and lawyers so that clients can make the most appropriate choice for themselves, and lawyers can improve their rating and get as many clients as possible.
Key highlights
Rating is based on reliable data
The rating is based on real data and customer reviews
Lawyers don't pay for rating
Lawyers don't pay for rating
Lawyer's expertise evaluation
A lawyer's personality, past cases, and knowledge of a particular practice area are not considered when making a quantitative assessment; But this data is taken into account in the customer feedback evaluation
Better assessment using AI
A lawyer's personality, past cases, and knowledge of a particular practice area are not considered when making a quantitative assessment; But this data is taken into account in the customer feedback evaluation
Client Feedback Evaluation
Which metrics influence the assessment of the company by the client?
Overall score
Individual practitioner competence
Provided clear and practical guidance on resolving the legal issue(s)
Ethics & Professionalism
Communication skills
Met mutually acceptable deadlines

Social Rating
“Look him up on Yelp, more bad experiences”
A lawyer with a 5-star rating on one of the directories (bought, of course) had a lot of negative reviews on several social networks. It is impossible not to notice the fact that company clients express their opinion about the professionalism of lawyers on social networks. People try to choose the right specialist and help others not to make the wrong choice. According to statistics, when deciding to work with a lawyer, more than 62% of people seek advice from friends/acquaintances or on social networks.
The purpose of compiling a social rating is an opportunity to show potential clients a more complete picture of the activities of a particular firm or lawyer. In order to make the right decision, the user will be able to see the company's activities and reviews about the company from various sides. The social rating is based on data from social networks such as Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, and Linkedin. With the help of our mathematical model, we сonvert reviews from social networks into a quantitative assessment and show the final result to users.
The social rating is not 100% reliable, but it helps users to see real reviews from real people, and lawyers to do their work as well as possible in order not to receive negative reviews on social platforms.
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